Protecting Wildlife From People ~ Protecting People From Wildlife
Solivita is a beautiful 55+ retirement community located in sunny central Florida.Dedicated to providing its 10,000 residents with an active and fun-filled retirement experience, the community boasts more than 230 social clubs including Solivita Wildlife Advocates (SWA).
Founded in 2020, SWA is an animal rights advocacy group focused on promoting the safe and balanced coexistence between residents and all community wildlife. We believe all Solivita wildlife has the right to exist without fear of abuse, exploitation, or unwarranted extermination.
Solivita’s ecological environment is an integral part of Florida’s watershed system and home to an amazing array of beautiful and exciting wild mammals, reptiles, insects, fish, amphibians, and birds. All are untamed and potentially dangerous if not respected. All are vulnerable if their natural activity is encroached upon or disturbed. All canfind food, water, shelter, and other needs on their own,here in their native Solivita habitat. And all make a critical contribution to our community’s quality of life.
If you are interested in joining, you can sign up at: [email protected].